History of Geopathic Stress
The Chinese knew the harm Geopathic Stress (GS) could cause over 4,000 years ago and avoided building houses on stressful places they called 'dragon lines'. From a Neolithic (New Stone Age) village in Orkney, through to many Bronze Age hut circles in Dartmoor, to American habitation sites of the Adena and Hopewell people and the homes of the Inca residents high in the Andes - the inhabitants never built their homes over these life destructive high vibrations.
The first recorded use of divining is thought to be in the 'Caves of Tasseli nAjjer' in the foothills of the Atlas mountains, which were discovered in 1949. They contain prehistoric cave murals, one of which depicts a dowser surrounded by his fellow tribesmen dowsing for water. These paintings have been proven to be at least 8,000 years old by means of the carbon 14 process.
Divining was known everywhere in ancient times by the Egyptians, Hebrews, Persians, Druids, Greeks, Romans, Hindus and the American Indians. Very little is mentioned of diving by ancient scribes and historians, as the art was a powerful and well kept secret.
The Egyptian Queen Cleopatra had at least two diviners with her at all times, not looking for water, but for gold. Use of the technique is recorded by the Egyptians (3,000B.C.) and after the flight from Egypt the Hebrews are thought to have acquired good knowledge in divining. The activities of their leader Moses are recorded in the Bible: 'thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink' (Exodus 17:5-6) ' Take the rod..... and speak ye unto the rock.... and it shall give forth water' (Numbers 20:10-11) which indicates that Moses was a skilled diviner. The Chinese Emperor Tu (2200 B.C.) is pictured with a divining rod. Druids no doubt divined for the correct site for Stonehenge.
The ancient art of divining has been misunderstood and condemned throughout history, mainly because it could not be explained how, by divining, one could find out about people and places in any great detail. In many cases distances make no difference. Many in the medical and religious professions have now accepted divining as a tool so long as it is for the good of mankind.
In 1959 Verne Cameron, a Californian dowser demonstrated to the amazement of Vice Admiral Maurice E. Curtis and his fellow officers in the US Navy that he could accurately locate the position and depth of the submarines in the Pacific and distinguish between US and Russian submarines. Years later Cameron applied for a passport and was refused as the Navy contacted the CIA who considered him a security risk.
The British Army has used dowsing to find land mines in the Falklands and the Gulf. The US marines in Vietnam were trained to dowse for booby traps and sunken mortar shells.
Roche - the international pharmaceutical company has used diviners to search sites for the vast quantities of water needed in chemical production. When questioned on the unscientific value of dowsing they said "we are not concerned with scientific status, only with results - and the dowsing for water is 100% reliable".
The first recorded use of divining is thought to be in the 'Caves of Tasseli nAjjer' in the foothills of the Atlas mountains, which were discovered in 1949. They contain prehistoric cave murals, one of which depicts a dowser surrounded by his fellow tribesmen dowsing for water. These paintings have been proven to be at least 8,000 years old by means of the carbon 14 process.
Divining was known everywhere in ancient times by the Egyptians, Hebrews, Persians, Druids, Greeks, Romans, Hindus and the American Indians. Very little is mentioned of diving by ancient scribes and historians, as the art was a powerful and well kept secret.
The Egyptian Queen Cleopatra had at least two diviners with her at all times, not looking for water, but for gold. Use of the technique is recorded by the Egyptians (3,000B.C.) and after the flight from Egypt the Hebrews are thought to have acquired good knowledge in divining. The activities of their leader Moses are recorded in the Bible: 'thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink' (Exodus 17:5-6) ' Take the rod..... and speak ye unto the rock.... and it shall give forth water' (Numbers 20:10-11) which indicates that Moses was a skilled diviner. The Chinese Emperor Tu (2200 B.C.) is pictured with a divining rod. Druids no doubt divined for the correct site for Stonehenge.
The ancient art of divining has been misunderstood and condemned throughout history, mainly because it could not be explained how, by divining, one could find out about people and places in any great detail. In many cases distances make no difference. Many in the medical and religious professions have now accepted divining as a tool so long as it is for the good of mankind.
In 1959 Verne Cameron, a Californian dowser demonstrated to the amazement of Vice Admiral Maurice E. Curtis and his fellow officers in the US Navy that he could accurately locate the position and depth of the submarines in the Pacific and distinguish between US and Russian submarines. Years later Cameron applied for a passport and was refused as the Navy contacted the CIA who considered him a security risk.
The British Army has used dowsing to find land mines in the Falklands and the Gulf. The US marines in Vietnam were trained to dowse for booby traps and sunken mortar shells.
Roche - the international pharmaceutical company has used diviners to search sites for the vast quantities of water needed in chemical production. When questioned on the unscientific value of dowsing they said "we are not concerned with scientific status, only with results - and the dowsing for water is 100% reliable".
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