Geopathic stress "a major cause of cancer"
Geopathic stress  "a major cause of cancer"

Source : The Munster Express (April 11, 2003).
By Tom Young


The risk of ill-health in general and cancer in par­ticular can be dramatically reduced by avoiding geopathic stress, caused by harmful waves emanating underground.

That claim was made by Diviner Brendan Mur­phy at an introductory talk on the subject in Tramore's Grand Hotel on Tuesday night. And he produced research figures to support it.

The talk was organised by the Tramore Environ­ment Group and was at­tended by doctors, builders and town council­lors, among others.

Mr. Murphy said many explanations had been gi­ven on the theory of geo­pathic stress and its harmful effects on our health and he mentioned those which were most plausible.

He said continuous sig­nals from the brain con­trolled the body and enabled it to function cor­rectly. Concentrated geo­pathic stress blotted out those signals so strongly that the flow of informa­tion to the cells, glands and organs was more or less stopped, which had an adverse effect on the body.

GS had a strong effect on the correct functioning of the lymphatic system. The lymph fluid trans­ported lymphocytes and antibodies which continu­ously patrolled through the body, ready to fight and destroy any foreign cells such as bacteria, viruses or cancer cells. If the lymphatic system was not healthy, it was unable to destroy foreign cells, thus enabling cancer cells to grow and multiply - your whole immune sys­tem was weakened.

Mr. Murphy said GS was mainly caused by nar­row paths of water about 200 to 300 ft. below ground and also on top of mountains. The narrow water path created an elec­tromagnetic field which distorted the earth's nat­ural vibrations.

He said that as far back as 1929, German scientist Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, one of that country's most talented dowsers, carried out several investigations which supported his theo­ry that "one would not get cancer unless one spent some time in GS places, sometimes laying in one's bed".


He devised a scale from 1 to 16 and found that any geopathic stress lines above the strength of 9 were cancer inducing. That was proved to the satisfaction of the Central Committee for Cancer Research in Berlin and he inspired many doc­tors to carry out their own research. Von Pohl esti­mated that 2.5 p.c. of the earth's surface was af­fected by GS.

Mr. Murphy listed further findings by named cancer experts who con­cluded that cancer was a disease of location, caused by GS. And he quoted Dr. H. Nieper, a world re­nowned cancer specialist, as stating that 92 p.c. of all his cancer patients and 75 p.c. of his MS patients were geographically stressed.

He said more than 4,000 medical doctors in Austria and Germany called in dowsers to assist with their most severe cases of cancer and long- term illnesses.

Booked out

He told his audience that GS was also a major contributory factor to cot death. He said he was convinced most of the victims stayed for long periods in GS places which weakened and eventually switched off the signals from the respiratory cen­tres of the brain, which must be conveyed continu­ously to the lungs to en­able babies to keep breathing.

And he made the point that cancer was much less common among travelers, because of the fact that they kept moving.

Mr. Murphy, whose company Positive Energy Ltd. in Bunclody employs three other Diviners, said he was certainly not can­vassing for more work because they were all booked out months in advance.

He identified GS symp­toms as follows: feeling tired, restless and subject to nightmares or insom­nia; feeling cold in bed and night sweat; lack of appe­tite, even vomiting in the morning; muscle cramps or increased heartbeat, especially in bed; head­aches on waking up; food allergies and, for children bed-wetting; nervousness and depression; body pain after getting up in the


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